Guide To Marijuana – All You Need To Know About Cannabis

Guide To Marijuana - All You Need To Know About Cannabis
Guide To Marijuana – All You Need To Know About Cannabis

People have been enjoying marijuana for thousands of years. It has dozens of terms that refer to the products made from the various parts of the plant – Terminology that is not always clear to the newcomer. A Guide To Marijuana – All You Need To Know About Cannabis will help you understand this wonderful plant a little better.

A Guide To Marijuana


Are hemp and cannabis actually the same?

In Biologically yes – not always in everyday language practice. Hemp is the original plant of man-refined substances. Hemp, also referred to by biologists as Cannabis Sativa L., is also one of the oldest and most versatile crops in the world.

Hemp plant

It delivers hugely nutritious seeds – already nibbling Buddha, waiting for enlightenment, hemp seeds – and amazingly sturdy fibers, which was proven to be used 10,000 years ago for the production of ropes, textiles, and paper.

Chinese medicine used hemp around 3000 BC. Christi as a natural remedy for a number of diseases. Today, up to 20,000 products can be produced from industrial hemp, from insulating materials and animal bedding to essential oils.

Cannabis and hemp are one and the same thing, the former only the Latin name. However, in practice “cannabis” has also become established in Germany as a comprehensive term for all THC-containing products of the plant, while “hemp” is often used to distinguish the plant from the intoxicant context.

All You Need To Know About Cannabis

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol )

Biologically, hemp belongs to the family Cannabiceae (hemp plants) and is closely related to the ubiquitous hops, which, unlike his cousin, may happily romp about in legal intoxicants.

The reason for the cultivation bans and strict control of hemp cultivation in parts of the world: Hemp produces cannabinoids, which in turn include THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol), which are responsible for the psychoactive effects of hemp.

The THC sits mainly at the end of the trichome of the female hemp plant. Trichomes are epidermal cells that are formed on the plant surface in particularly vulnerable places.

They store water and thus continuously supply plants with moisture in particularly low-precipitation areas. The drops at the end of the trichome on the hemp plant also contain THC and cannabinoid. Both can make predators stupefied or even kill them.

Marijuana, also called grass, Gaja or Weed

Marijuana consists of the dried flowers and leaves of the female hemp plant, reminiscent of crushed coarse herbal tea and has a very specific smell especially when burning.

The color may vary enormously depending on the variety and degree of drying, from whitish to light green, over brownish to a light purple.

Trichomes in close up

In particular, the female cannabis plant, like the nicotine of the tobacco plant, repels its parasites by the use of resin and THC production.

All You Need To Know About Cannabis

Marijuana contains all the parts of plants: the leaves, stems, Petals, and seeds. Marijuana is often less potent than hashish. It is usually consumed in joints mixed with tobacco. The commercially available marijuana is often subjected to a fermentation after drying. In the process, microorganisms destroy the chlorophyll of the hemp plants; the taste is softer and the smoke is more pleasant to inhale.

Hashish – the cannabis chocolate

Hashish, consists of the secretion of the cannabis plant, often referred to as resin, is produced mostly on the mature buds of the female plant. Hashish color, odor, texture, and effect depend on the cannabis strain and production method used.

Also, the plants are harvested in different countries at different maturity times. The tint varies from light to deep gray-brown to dull black, the consistency ranges from very sticky to dry-crumbly.

Hashish enters the wholesale trade in slabs or lumps; to the end consumer it is sold in small pieces known as “pieces”. The hashish is consumed mixed with tobacco as a joint, pure with the help of special small or larger hasp pipes (the latter are also referred to as bong), inhaled via a vaporizer or processed into pastry – the famous space-cakes or cookies. Hash is often more active than marijuana, as trichomes are much more concentrated.

High-quality hashish is always reminiscent of brownies …

Hash or hashish is obtained in many different ways; most of the methods used are hundreds of years old and come from different cultures. In the production of the essence also known as “shit”, chemicals and extenders are traditionally taboo. However, rubber, wax, henna or sand are often found in the mass-produced goods, which are often produced on an industrial scale on the European market.

Hashish production by sieve is most common. In the process, already dried, female hemp plants are rubbed over a fine sieve, that at best only lets through the trichomes. The extracted secretions are similar to a fine, often sticky powder and can be kneaded by hand to a homogeneous mass with good initial quality.

However, the most commercially available hash is not obtained manually but mechanically: the harder and more compact the shape, the more mechanical the influence. In this case, the trichomes are dried again and then usually pressed into plates.

The Dutchwoman Mila Jansen developed a device for machine sieving of cannabis in the 1990s, the “Pollinator” with a motor-driven sieve drum which is now in use worldwide. The hashish produced here mostly in Europe is also called “Skuff” or, when sold in Dutch coffee shops, “Nederhasch”.

Also from the Netherlands comes another production method in which ice water is used to detach the trichomes from the plant material. The result of this bubble-bag method (Mila Jansen has also developed a machine for this, the Ice-O-Lator) is particularly foreign body-free, pure hashish with high active ingredient content.

Charas hashish: Indian “live harvest” by hand

Charas hashish crops before harvest

A specific method of producing hashish comes from India but is also practiced in Pakistan, Nepal, and Lebanon: Charas.

In contrast to the hash from the Arab or Northern In Africa, charas is extracted from the living female plant by rubbing its flowers between its hands. In this way, the resin glands (trichomes described above) detach and adhere to the skin, from which they are subsequently scratched and then formed into spheres or strands. These are slightly sticky, dark brown to almost black and soft at skin temperature.

The highest quality Charas is obtained by an intense, slow friction; the daily yield is then about 8 grams. Only one product of the highest quality is subsequently distributed as »Malana Crème Hashish«. Faster rubbing produces more substance but a much lower quality.

The increasing demand, however, leads to a decline in traditional production intensity, so that Charas available in Europe is often of fluctuating quality – recognizable by a high proportion of still intact leaves or seeds. A small amount of leaf and stem is almost always contained in the charas, but it should not dominate.

Chopped Charas Lump

The rare and therefore rather expensive Charas has a high TCH content and is often described as being of higher quality compared to more readily available hash; not in vain was one of his paraphrases “the breath of Buddha.”

In India itself, Charas was not a particularly exotic crop for centuries. Cannabis grew wild in vast areas along the Himalayas and was an important source of supply for the local population.

Charas was an intelligent way to extract the plant’s psychotropic substances without having to crop them.

Charas was also one important component of many local, religious rites. Many Hindu sects and orientations use the intoxicant to specifically experience certain aspects of the god Shiva. That’s because of the effect: instead of overly relaxing, it often has more psychedelic elements. The taste is sweet and spicy. Charas is usually smoked like hash, crumbled and mixed with tobacco to form the joint.

Hashish oil – only for experts

Frequently, the so-called THC oil is extracted from the resin of the female hemp plant falsely mistaken for hemp oil. Hemp oil, however, is extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant and contains no intoxicants; The same applies to the essential hemp oil that is distilled from the flowers and leaves of hemp.

In fact, hash oil is not a real oil, but a resin extract – extremely potent and with the highest known active content of all cannabis products. The manufacturing process was developed only in the 20th century – and problematically, often to turn actually rather inferior cannabis into an effective intoxicant.

THC oil is extremely difficult to dose. For the preparation of an organic, but often synonymous with synthetic, chemical solvents such as isopropyl alcohol, methanol or methylene chloride, chloroform, benzene or ether necessary. Although they evaporate to a small extent during production, non-self-produced hashish oil makes it impossible to trace back the ingredients.

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