The Shark Tank

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The Shark Tank a free speech section of Best Seed Bank where you are allowed to vent about anything and everyone.



  1. Well, this is just peachy keen! Is ANYONE else as confused as I am?
    What with false name posting, alledged picture jacking, and outright lies it is impossible for ME to figure out what is going on and who is doing what to who!!!!
    Until this BS gets sorted out, I will confine my seed purchasing from the Attitude.
    I love the cannabis/I hate the drama
    Good luck & good grow…….Burger Boss

  2. In Response To riot seeds

    Where to begin. Lets start here with Therealdeal; AKA: Mr. & Mrs. Budworthy…don;t which one is which b/c I never seen balls on either b/c the cowards have their tails tucked between their legs. You fucked those cuts up, I seen the pics, a simple inexperienced grower could have gotten them to root. What is your breeding experience(s), oh, that Krossed Eyed Kush accidental bullshit ya trying to pass off as some real hard core shit? Get a fuckin life ya commercial growing POS! You give out personal info on people, that right there says you can’t be trusted and that anything you post or comes out your mouth is utter shit.

  3. In reply to Therealdeal Riot Seeds

    Come on man… We all know that you are OldSkoolStoner that left a good review in the post above. Your emails are posted in Riots Forums for everybody to read the impatience and crazyness that you sent Matt. You flew off the handle because you didnt get your seeds fast enough. You are in another country and I guess you dont get how shipping works internationally. There is no need to come on here and bash Riot and LIE saying that you ordered in November. You posted a great review for Riot 10 days before this one… Its right above this one if anyone wants to read it. I know it is you because you wrote the EXACT same stuff in your crazy emails to Matt. If anyone wants the REAL STORY go to Riot Forums and you can read the saga of emails posted there in the “Bad Girl List” which is right where this lil baby belongs. Go there and read the insane insults this man sent Matt and go see how impatient he really was. PLEASE DO THAT BEFORE YOU BELIEVE WHAT THIS CLOWN WROTE HERE!!!!

  4. Irievibe seeds

    The site doesnt work and it is untrusted by my web browser. How do you order? I have been looking at mota for sometime and grew his genetics once that were gifted, I know he has good seeds, why can’t he distribute his seeds through someone reputable like attitude seed bank, he is always on these shady budget sites, this one scares me especially, it makes no sense.

  5. because he is ripz u fucking idiot matt riot is ripz i know him personally and due to his greedyness im telling u all matt riot is ripz!!!!!!!!! every1 who knows think about it matt riot is ripz

  6. It gets better, here is Riot Seeds Double Black Doja

    and from 2006 the same picture


    I would like to know how Matthew Riot managed to breed a identical plant and take a picture of something which was grow 4 and a half years ago???

  7. In reply to Therealdeal. Riot Seeds

    Come on man… We all know that you are OldSkoolStoner that left a good review in the post above. Your emails are posted in Riots Forums for everybody to read the impatience and crazyness that you sent Matt. You flew off the handle because you didnt get your seeds fast enough. You are in another country and I guess you dont get how shipping works internationally. There is no need to come on here and bash Riot and LIE saying that you ordered in November. You posted a great review for Riot 10 days before this one… Its right above this one if anyone wants to read it. I know it is you because you wrote the EXACT same stuff in your crazy emails to Matt. If anyone wants the REAL STORY go to Riot Forums and you can read the saga of emails posted there in the “Bad Girl List” which is right where this lil baby belongs. Go there and read the insane insults this man sent Matt and go see how impatient he really was. PLEASE DO THAT BEFORE YOU BELIEVE WHAT THIS CLOWN WROTE HERE!!!!

    In reply to T. Riot Seeds

    Dude… your order will be shipped from the USA. There is no NL. I am not sure what you are talking about.

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