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  1. Hey I’m looking for recommended seed banks where I can order seeds specifically for anxiety? Like I’m looking for the top strains used for anxiety

    1. I would go to the breeders sites and not the seedbanks to have the relative information regarding medical uses.
      Then use the top reviewed banks here and order from them.

    1. Its simple check out this link for payment options http://www.marijuana-seeds.nl/payment.html

      good luck

  2. I’ve ten chronic thunder in bio canna in big 25 gallon grilla pots ones under two 600 watt hps plus one 300watt dual band cfl am on a 3day feed one bio veg one bio rizatonic one just good old ph6.5 water lol sum times I add thirive on a 20/4 lighting I’ve a ten”rino filter plus two 6″ fans one for cfl one for fresh air I’m just about two go two 12/12 do them need 36hours in dark before I turn it two flower an do u have two flush them as they will be on bio flower an bio boost thinking of adding sum other sort of big bud boost has anyone one done the chronic thunder from herbie seeds if so can you let me no wot two look out for or anyone’s help would be very much needed an wanted lol I’m trying two lean how two post sum pics for people over the flower stage two try an help other like minded growers so luck forward two meetin sum like minded

  3. just a quick question. I have a dimmable 400w ballast. I have 4 settings. what im wondering is what is extra lumens? and does it really do anything extra? but also if I choose to use it. will it fry out my 400w hps bulb? thanks

    1. Hi MT

      Im not a big fan of dimmable ballasts, on the low settings the bulb is not working at its optimum so the bulb doesn’t put out the correct spectrum of light. On the higher setting the bulb life is shortened. If possible run the ballast on the correct standard setup to suit the bulb.


  4. I hope someone can help me with this question. ive done a lot of reading on ferts/nuts. my problem is this. the nuts and the ferts that have been discussed I can not get these items(shipping laws) and the only access I have to any nuts or ferts are what i can find are at my local store. like plant food 10-15-10 and so on. so my question is, what is the best ratio of npk should I look for veg state, and ratio for flower state.

    1. A 20-20-20 NPK plant fkod iz vood. I used Rose Plant Food a whole summer grow and it went great.

  5. ive come across a new product at my local grocery store called aqua hydrate. im sure others out there are familiarize with it, what I read is that its a purified water with a ph level of 9. what my question is, will this water help my plants if my ph drops low?

  6. i wish i could upload some pics for this problem. so ill try to be as detailed as i can get. im growing 3 different strains of auto. im into 30 days already. 2 of my plants are showing to be hymphadite. also, one of my plants one of the fan leaves on it has split actually looking like a 2 prong pitch fork, seriously, so i guess what im asking is. if 2 of my plants are hymphadites and the other with a split leaf. what can i possibly do to salvage any hope of anything good coming out of this? ive read so much info about this but just coldnt believe my luck was this bad. i hope i hear back some great advice to salvage any hope out of this.

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