NYC Diesel Review

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NYC Diesel Review

Nydiesels Reviews
NYC Diesel

NYC Diesel Genetic makeup

Unsurprisingly, NYC Diesel came from New York City. It was created by interbreeding Sour Diesel, Afghani, and Hawaiian strains, and it’s predominantly Sativa.

NYC Diesel Medical Marijuana Evidence of its quality is available in the variety of High Times Cannabis Cup awards it won early in the 21st Century. It was second in the People’s Cup section in 2004, second in the general Cannabis Cup in 2002 and 2003, and took third and 2nd places respectively in the Sativa classification in 2002 and 2001.

New york city City Diesel Strain Smoking NYC Diesel will give you a long and highly cerebral lasting buzz with very little couchlock tendencies. This weed has a sharpish citrus taste and smell, with tones evocative of grapefruit and lemon. Its Diesel parentage adds a pungent, earthy flavor and fragrance. It’s great for pain relief and hunger stimulation.

The plant grows in a fir tree shape with large, broad mid-green leaves and pointed buds with orange to brown hairs and a coating of resin. Indoors, the plants expand between 1.5 and 2 meters high with pruning, although grown outdoors they can reach four meters.

Cultivate them indoors in dirt or hydro mediums and cut the plants back to urge additional flowering and budding. Flowering time is quite long, differing from nine to 12 weeks, and yields are around 400 grams per square meter.

Outdoors, NYC Diesel seeds require a lot of hot sunshine. This will make them tall, and the plants could well require support as they develop.

NYC Diesel is highly popular among the cannabis cognoscenti in Europe in addition to in the USA, so it’s not a surprise that it’s won so numerous awards. It’s not the easiest to cultivate however it gets high marks for its unique flavor and energetic high. This NYC Diesel review highly advises it!


One Comment

  1. It has an incredibly moderate sativa at the start of the smoke however quickly turns to a moderate couch lock. This smoke is genuinely smooth as well, like a lightly velvety smoke.
    very nice

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