Farmers Lab Seeds Review

Welcome to Farmers Lab Seeds Review

2.8/5 (21)

Farmer's Lab is a Canadian-based company. Its objective is to provide therapeutic services to individuals internationally looking for relief through the germination and harvesting of medical cannabis.

Farmers Lab Seeds Review
Farmers Lab Seeds Review

 Farmer's Lab is a Canadian-based company. Its objective is to provide therapeutic services to individuals internationally looking for relief through the germination and harvesting of medical cannabis.

Rating Entries

They are no longer in business. They will still take your money though.But they won't deliver anything and they won't answer their email or their phone.
Sadly very disappointing product and appalling service. Lucky to get one or two out of six to work.

Farmer's Lab has a vigorous selection, evaluation, and product packaging procedure that guarantees the highest quality of the seed to clients as possible.

Our quality mandate consists of:

1. The hereditary certification of all our seeds-- they are exactly what they say they are.

2. The hand selection of our seeds-- all our seeds are hand examined for flaws and freshness.

3. The packaging of our products-- blister packed and clinically protect from ecological deterioration or tampering.

4. The use of eco-friendly materials-our boxes

are made from sustainable hemp without hazardous dyes or chemicals. All our ink is made from natural vegetable-based resins. Buying seeds is a financial investment in your time, energy, and health. Farmer's Laboratory does whatever within its power to ensure your experience is a favorable one-- from acquisition through germination and into harvest-- Farmer's Lab will assist you every action of the way.


It is our core belief that cannabis, when obtained to resolve specific societal tension, chronic discomfort, and other health concerns, can have a direct influence on the quality of life, increase basic happiness and contribute toward people satisfying their own human potential. Our company believes in it is our fundamental concept in supplying quality access to marijuana seeds and offering optimal assistance, personal privacy, and value.

We think that we should offer back and engage with the community that shares these beliefs and principles by investing a portion of profits into education, legal reform, and participation in motivating social change regarding the preconception of medical marijuana.

All our ink is made from natural veggie-based resins. Purchasing seeds is a financial investment in your energy, time, and health. Farmer's Lab does everything within its power to ensure your experience is a positive one-- from acquisition through germination and into harvest-- Farmer's Lab will assist you every step of the way.

Good growing!

3/5 (21)
3.3/5 (21)
3.1/5 (21)
3.6/5 (21)
3.3/5 (21)


  1. This is a great company to buy seeds from. Had a problem with customs but emailed Farmer lab & they resent my order. Highly recommend this company & very happy to recommend. Cheers to Farmers Lab Seeds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I placed order # 479416 with Farmers Lab seed for Pineapple Express on Sep 08, 2021. After 3 weeks of waiting called them to find out, they shipped to incomplete address. They were not willing to refund money, they said we will reship your order. so on sep 24 they reshipped and its oct 08, 2021.Its 3 weeks now I haven’t received any seeds. Canada Post mails are received with in 2 – 9 days with in national. I won’t get my money back and either will receive any seeds. I want to bring awareness please think carefully before placing order with Farmers Lab seeds Canada.
    I will make an effort to leave my review on as many forums possible so others won’t lose their money.
    Kamal D

  3. First order short 6 can’t add? Can’t double check order, now I got concerns of what I really have

  4. I wanted to say that this was my 1st experience with Farmers Lab and I loved it. I ordered last yr. from a different company. It was a great experience too – except you are so much easier to order from, faster in delivery, and the seeds look wonderful. Thank you for your service. I will order from you again. Sincerely, Betna

  5. I bought 6 blue dream seeds from farmers lab, for my first grow dwc.
    I only put one seed in rockwool cube, it germinated in two days.
    It’s in its 5th week now doing great 15 inches tall and very bushy.
    starting to flower showing sex.
    No problems so far.

  6. Ilgm has my respect, they do what they say,there plants produce what they say,there customer service is number 1..I love the golden leaf..its produces pounds per plant for me last year..thank you,for fast delivery.

  7. I got my seeds today. I just finished putting them to soak for the next 12 hours. I’m hoping for a favorable yield. However, when I went to retrieve the mail from the mailbox I kinda went into a bit of a panic, the envelope was half opened. I guess from all the extra handling due to the COVID-19 problem. Brother, I was fit to be tied! I thought all my seeds had fallen out of the half opened envelope. Then I looked carefully at the plastic type cardboard that was inserted in the envelope and saw there was something wedged between the card. I can’t even begin to tell you how relieved I was when I found my seeds wedged between the card and capped on either side with a half a Q-Tip. Man, that was a close one! Especially after what felt like a long, long wait, waiting for them to arrive. Maybe a bit of Scotch tape on the envelope would suffice? Anyway, what I thought was cool was when I was counting up the six seeds I was supposed to have gotten, I found seven seeds… Cool! Well, I promise I’ll stay in touch and update everyone how my grow is going… Thanks

    1. Ok, here I am again to add to what I wrote above or below. Well where to start. Well I guess I should tell you all, I’m an older type guy, 67 years old. Got Diabetes and a shit load of other health concerns. In fact just to give you guys and girls an idea how old that is… Well, when I was probably around your age a possession of a roach of Marijuana gave you an instant felony and a big ass fine ta-boot. Pot sold for ten bucks a lid (Hippy type lingo) which was more or less an ounce and for the most part just about all the pot came from Mexico and came in kilos about 2.2 pounds. The whole damn thing was compressed into a brick with leaves, seeds, sticks and buds all pressed together into a big ass mess. Back then we didn’t know we should carefully pick out the buds, throw out the leaves, stems and whatever the fuck else we found! We just rolled and smoked all that shit together! We didn’t know what the hell we were doing! We’d just pick out the stems, sift out the seeds and roll that shit into a big fat Cheech and Chong joint and lit the shit up and coughed our lungs out. Yeah we’d copped a buzz but the weed was nothing like what we have today. Okay enough history for now.

      Anyway, after I got the crap scared out of me with a half opened envelope and a fear that all the seeds had all rolled out of the envelope and the relief of finding my seeds wedged between a plastic type card. I got out the old magnifying glass and had a look-see at what Farmers Lab had sent me. At first I wasn’t all that impressed. The seeds kinda looked beat-up, and a couple of them looked like they were cracking open. When I put them in a shot glass three quarters of the way full they just floated there looking like a turd floating on top of the water in a toilet, I wasn’t all that impressed! I put them to soak around 5pm and figured I’d have to wake up around Five in the morning to see what was up with them, if anything at all. Well, I kinda over slept and didn’t check on them until 8:00 or 8:30am I had put the shot glass and seeds into a small box and when a finally checked on them, YUP! there they were floating on top of the water just like when I had put them in 15 hours earlier. Hmmm, not looking very promising. I figured I should take them out of the water and move on to the next step. Got out the Paper Towels, water and a zip lock bag. Wet the Paper Towels, dropped the seven seeds about an inch apart on the Paper Towels folded them up and slid the whole thing into the Zip Lock Bag for the long 24 hour wait. During this LONG ASS 24 HOUR period I started thinking; what if these damn things don’t pop! I better start looking for an alternative seed source. So, I began looking at other seed banks, at their prices and the strains offered. Well, in that 24 hours I have to admit, I learned a pretty little bit about some of the different strains, but yet I was still pretty worried about if my seeds were gonna pop or not. I kept thinking, Shit! I’ll be satisfied if only half of them pop. I didn’t sleep a whole lot that night worried about them damn seeds. Next morning bright and early I was up and eager to see what was waiting for my perusal inside the small cardboard box, wrapped in a wet Paper Towel and incased in a zip lock bag. I walked up to the small box almost creeping towards it. I almost saw myself in my mind’s eye playing peek a boo with the stupid box. First the lid of the box came off, then I laid the zip lock bag on the kitchen table squinting as I tried in vain to see through the plastic and through the wet Paper Towel. I couldn’t see shit! So, I began unwrapping the plastic and Paper Towel bundle slowly like it was a bomb that was about to explode in my face. I finally got down to the last layer of Paper Towel. There they were seven seeds, with the prettiest white tails hanging off of them. At that moment I began to feel a smile coming over my face. The smile got bigger and bigger until my face started to feel like it was gonna crack. There I was the night before hoping for half of them to pop and there they were, all seven of them had sprouted. I was happy as a pig in shit! Very cool in deed! Kudos goes out to FARMERS LAB for all for the two extra seeds in my order and next for all seven seeds popping. Framers Lab You guy are Duh Bomb! If and when anyone asks me about where I go the seeds You know I’m gonna direct them straight over to Famers Lab. Their seeds might look a little weird and warn but all seven of my ugly ass seeds popped and I’m sure I’m gonna get some fine smokin’ weed. Thanks Farmers Lab… Stay Tuned for my next installment!

      1. Love your store. Tell it like a book .gest started 2 strains skunk & zkittlez auto ,(all 6 in zkz auto 1 deformed )(4 so far in skunk #1) started the 16 of march 19 today 2021 👍💦😎happy with my (farmers lab seed’s .com shipping was great .no blister pack 2 littil zip lock bags in bubble envelope any one could look inside but easy for customs to see inside so they don’t rip it opened maybe happy guys thank you Gen &THE MAN!!!

      2. I germinated mine in a moist paper towel in a Ziploc bag they’ve sprouted two days later. I also did one right in a pot of soil I just kept it moist

  8. Nice web site; needs some updating to match current state of business; also, prompt answering emails. Order arrived timely in good order to New England. I will come back and update rating after grow out…. growing outdoor and I expect a good grow.


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