Medical Marijuana

    Cannabis in the blood: how long does THC stay in your system?

    How long does THC last in the body? In many countries, drug testing is still a mandatory condition for employment. When sending a resume, the applicant already imagines how he will start his career in a steadily developing company. Salary, health insurance, flexible schedule, bonuses and bonuses. But a simple drag test can easily destroy all these pleasant prospects. At such a moment, panic often sets in. When was the last time you smoked cannabis? Two weeks ago? Three weeks? And in general, how long does grass last in the blood? Although conventional wisdom says at least 30 days. The answer to the question “how much marijuana is in the blood” is not easy at all. There are many ways to test for drugs. Each of them has certain sensitivity indicators and periodization for detecting traces of THC. The broad possibilities of use, as well as the unique biological parameters…
    Breeding Cannabis

    How to Make Feminized Cannabis Seeds

    Understanding how to create feminized cannabis seeds is a blend of art and science. It involves a deep dive into cannabis genetics and hormone manipulation to turn female plants into seed-producing powerhouses, all without the need for male plants. This guide, “Step-by-Step Process: How to Make Feminized Cannabis Seeds,” is designed to unveil this fascinating process, providing you with the knowledge and steps to create your own feminized seeds. Whether you’re a seasoned grower or just starting, this guide will walk you through the entire process, from understanding the basic genetics to the final storage of your seeds. But whether we want it or not, the seeds Feminised marijuana seeds are a great help for growers who have little cultivation space or with little time to invest in sexing regular seeds. With the feminized cannabis seeds we have the certainty that our plants will be of the desired sex and…
    Cannabis Basics

    Large Roots for Large Cannabis Harvests

    Large Roots For Large Harvests Never neglect the foundations on which your plants are built the roots are the foundation of your plants and are responsible for delivering both water and minerals. This function is directly related to the plants’ rate of growth, and ultimately the size of the buds they produce. In the world of cannabis cultivation, the focus often lands on the visible parts of the plant – the leaves, stems, and buds. However, the true foundation of a healthy and productive cannabis plant lies hidden beneath the soil: the roots. The significance of a well-developed root system cannot be overstated, especially when the goal is to achieve large cannabis harvests. In this guide, we’ll delve deep into the underground world of cannabis roots, exploring how a larger root system can lead to more bountiful yields. The Critical Role of Roots in Cannabis Cultivation The root system of…
    Breeding Cannabis

    Identifying Male and Female Cannabis

     Identifying Male and Female Cannabis  Identifying Male and Female Cannabis, Here we offer an in-depth exploration of cannabis plant anatomy, highlighting the differences between male and female plants. We provide detailed descriptions, charts, and cultivation tips tailored to each gender, aiding both novice and experienced growers in mastering this crucial aspect of cannabis cultivation. Reproduction processes occur in the plant world in different ways. Monoecious plants are distinguished by two types of flowers in similar plants, and hermaphrodite plants grow separate flowers that have male + and female reproductive organs. Cannabis is a dioecious plant, that is, the appearance of various reproductive organs is possible on different plants. Node Placement and Internodal Spacing: Female Plants: Typically exhibit closer internodal spacing, resulting in a more compact and bushy appearance. This feature is not just aesthetic; it supports the plant’s ability to bear the weight of the buds as they develop. Male…

    Recirculating Deep Water Culture, The Recirculating System

    Hydroponic Deep Water Recirculating Systems: Maximizing Efficiency in DWC In the realm of hydroponics, recirculating deep water culture represent a pinnacle of efficiency and effectiveness, especially in Deep Water Culture (DWC) setups. These systems, pioneered and popularized by innovative growers like Heath Robinson in the late 90s, offer a sustainable approach to managing nutrient and water supply for hydroponic gardens. Let’s delve deeper into the mechanics and benefits of these systems. 1. Understanding Recirculating Hydroponic Systems Unlike traditional DWC setups where nutrient solutions are static, recirculating hydroponic systems constantly move the nutrient-rich water through the system. This dynamic flow ensures that plants receive a steady supply of nutrients and oxygen, which is crucial for optimal growth. The continuous movement also prevents the stagnation of water, reducing the risk of root diseases commonly associated with static water cultures. 2. The Heath Robinson Approach to Recirculation Heath Robinson’s approach to recirculating systems…
    Cannabis Basics

    Get 1 Gram Per Watt 6 Tips To Improve Your Indoor Grow

    Get 1 Gram/Watt 6 Tips To Improve Your Indoor Grow. 300 grams of weed per 600 HPS lamp is an average harvest for a new grower. Let's see if we can improve that; without spending extra money.

    Autoflower life cycle week by week

    Introduction to Autoflowers Autoflower cannabis plants represent a remarkable innovation in home gardening. Unlike traditional photoperiod strains, autoflowers transition from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage automatically with age, not relying on specific light cycles. This unique feature, coupled with their resilience and speedy growth cycle, makes autoflowers an ideal choice for both novice and experienced growers. This guide will take you through the life cycle of autoflower cannabis, providing a week-by-week breakdown to help you nurture your plants for optimum yield. autoflower life cycle week by week It can be harvested from seeds in about 10 to 12 weeks (depending on the variety).. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced grower, you can grow these varieties for fun and very easily. Table of Contents The Life Cycle of Autoflowers What is the optimal light schedule for autoflowering strains and seeds? Week 1: autoflowering cannabis and early growth…
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